Early Returns: The Expendables 3
The Expendables 3: Bloated
On one hand The Expendables 3 is a bloated mess that does nothing to earn your money nor time. We have nothing but a shit ton of yesterday's great actors thrown into a film where they will not be used accordingly. The problem with this film is really the fact that it is an Expendables film. The first one wasn't great but it was fun. The second again wasn't great but it had a lot of action. The third is just bloated, with editing and script problems beyond fixing. Scenes going on for far too long and dialogue that's completely unneeded again bloats this film. The addition of Ford, Gibson, Banderas and Snipes is why I really wanted to watch this. However, their characters were extremely underused. Ford isn't in the film that much and Wesley's character is completely useless. There is a scene in the beginning where he shaves his beard off with a knife. A giant f&$king knife. He shaves it so clean, I stopped what I was doing and texted my Simplistic Reviews partner DJ to confirm what I just saw. Not a great sign starting off.

But back to the bloat. After an Expendable gets severely injured, Barney Ross goes out to put together a new team out of fear of getting his old team killed. All of them young, and one of them a woman. The woman, Ronda Rousey, is the only person I recognized out of all the new recruits. So now, a film I watch for the nostalgic actors forces me to follow its "plot" with people I've never heard of. A team I couldn't care less about. Expendables 2 did this a bit, but it's much worse here. The old team eventually comes back after the young guns screw up badly. At least I think so. I honestly started to play on my phone at this point. Stallone's character Barney Ross is so stupid in this film. Tactically, emotionally, grammatically stupid. His motivations make no sense throughout this film and then they switch on a dime for absolutely no reason. I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why the leader of a team called THE EXPENDABLES is afraid of his men getting killed. Kinda undermines the entire premise of your franchise there Sly.
The acting? You don't care about the acting. You do? Really? Fine. It's like watching a sleepwalking documentary on Discovery Channel hosted by Ben Stein. Only one or two of these guys (Banderas and Gibson eventually) show any sign of life in this thing. This is something I can understand with the old vets, but the new blood is just as lifeless. Here is a SPOILER filled example of everything wrong with this film combined. There is a scene where Gibson and the bad guys set the team up in a building with C-4 all around them. They have around 45 seconds to get out. One of the new Expendables says he can try and block the signal. He stupidly explains this plan while Gibson listens via a video camera. But Gibson stupidly does nothing to capitalize on hearing this plan. So, the scene culminates with these action icons that I grew up with just haplessly standing there for 45 seconds shouting, "Come on, Come on you can do it" to a guy I don't care about pushing buttons. They shout their encouragement with all the enthusiasm of a thirteen year old boy forced to play dress-up with his baby sister. They all say it and say it horribly. Rousey delivers the line so badly, it made me cringe. I'm pretty sure I saw her cringe from it too!
On the other hand, anyone who purposefully goes to see this film already knows what they are going to experience. Nonsensical action, cheesey writing and actors you loved that have seen better days...months...decades. The Expendables 3 just like the others. Nothing new, just a lot of bloat. Is it worth your $9.45 at the theater? No, nor is it worth your time. Wait for it to come onto TV...network TV.