A Simplistic Preview: Fantasia Fest 2024
Well, the boys are back…safely on the other side of the Canadian border, because honestly, who would really want The Simplistic Reviews Podcast in their country, right?
The 28th Edition of the Fantasia International Film Festival begins on July 18th, and boy is this one a doozy. Of course here in the US we decided to all but stop film in out tracks for the better part of six months, but there is plenty of fun, grim, horrific, grotesque, erotic, and blood-soaked from all over the world to keep us happy.
Here’s just a snippet of what we’re looking forward to from this year’s slate of international fare.
Hell Hole (USA)
The Adams Family returns to Fantasia with another tale that is sure to get right under your skin. This time with the dangers of fracking and what might be lying just underneath our feet.
Bookworm (New Zealand)
This one could go in a ton of different ways. On one side it could be a family friendly adventure, but knowing what Ant Timpson is know for it could go completely off the rails. We’re here for either/or.
Dark Match (Canada)
From Lowell Dean of ‘Wolf Cop’ fame comes ‘Dark Match’ a bloodsoaked rumble through 1980s territorial ‘rasslin. Oh, and it has Chris Jericho as a deranged cult leader. Sign us up.
Infinite Summer (Estonia)
Summer break is supposed to be fun right? That is until you take some drugs that whisk you away into a transcendental mystery that completely change your perception of time and space.
This Man (Japan)
Creepy mysterious deaths in Japan with a couple of investigators on the case. What can go wrong? Oh surely nothing. With inspiration from films like ‘It Follows’ and ‘Ringu,’ ‘This Man’ feels like the type of film that creeps into your subconscious and will live there rent-free for a while.
The G (Canada)
Dale Dickey, your favorite character actress that you’ve never heard of, stars in what looks like the spiritual successor to ‘Blue Ruin’ that I didn’t know I needed in my life.
Black Eyed Susan (USA)
Personally, I’m ready for AI to take over. Especially when it comes to freaky AI sex robots who’ll eventually become our overlords/ladies. ‘Black Eyed Susan’ looks like the long form version of ‘Come F*ck My Robot’ that my co-writer, Justin, has been looking for all his life.
With over 100 feature films and almost an endless array of short films it was hard for us to pick, but here are a few honorable mentions below:
Animalia Paradoxa (Chile)
Chainsaws Were Singing (Estonia)
Mash Ville (South Korea)
Me and My Victim (Canada/USA)
Scared Shitless (Canada)
The Old Man and The Demon Sword (Portugal)